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BACP Business Education Webinars

Updated: 8 hours ago

The Dept. of Business Affairs and Consumer Protections (BACP) offers free business education workshops or webinars every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. All programs are currently being offered as webinars. Topics include business licensing, operations, financial resources, marketing, and more. Programs are free and open to the public and taught by industry professionals, not-for-profit agencies, and government agencies.

Transform Your Dream Into a Real Start-Up

Certificate Categories Business Operations & Licensing Marketing Technology

May 8th 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Presented by Score Chicago

Do you have what it takes to start and run a successful business? If so, do you know what the start-up journey is like? Or what initial steps you need to take? This webinar will help you assess your prospects, give you the initial direction you need, and inspire you to move forward to realize your dream. The webinar will also cover pricing, promotion, competition and marketing to give you a competitive edge.

Ways to Finance Your Business

Certificate Categories Financing Business Operations & Licensing

May 10th 9:30 am to 11:00 am

Presented by Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection and CIBC Bank USA

Whether you are a business owner or thinking about starting one; this webinar will teach the basics about bank financing. You will receive information about loans, lines of credit and other available resources that can help you on your entrepreneurial journey. Additionally, you will learn about the BACP Entrepreneur Certificate Program as a resource that makes you eligible to apply for CIBC Bank USA’s Entrepreneur Loan.

Neighborhood Business Development Centers

Chicago-based chambers of commerce and business support organizations, often referred to as Neighborhood Business Development Centers (NBDC), assist in the development of small businesses in Chicago, serve as liaison between local businesses and the City of Chicago, and provide neighborhood business development services. They have a strong neighborhood network and coordinate efforts with local aldermen, the city, and other community partners. They can help start-up entrepreneurs and existing business owners. Find your local NBDC by visiting 

Business Education Resources:

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