The Logan Square Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting local businesses and encourage you to help out where you can. Specifically, you can:

1. Shop remotely, shop online
Many businesses have an option to purchase their goods or services through their website, Facebook, via a phone call or through email. Online purchases are a great way to support local without leaving the comfort and safety of your home.
2. Order takeout or delivery
Most restaurants have found a way to continue serving during this difficult time, and many have curbside pickup or even delivery options that they couldn’t offer before. Now’s the perfect time to order from your favorite restaurant, or to try somewhere new. As long as you don’t have to cook, it will be delicious!
3. Order ahead
Make your transactions easier and less stressful by placing your order prior to arriving. This will shorted your exposure time and lessen the risk for everyone involved.
4. Buy local
Many of the items you might typically buy in the big city or at the big box stores are available at your local shops as well. Buy local and support small business owners, the people who live in your neighborhood and know your name. They really appreciate it.
5. Stay home
If you are feeling at all ill. A cough, sore throat, fever or runny nose are all signs that you should stay home. You’ll be helping out businesses by ensuring their employees stay healthy.
6. Avoid paying with cash
This is another simple way to limit the risk of exposure to employees. Credit, Debit, and especially contactless cards and options like Apple Pay or Google Pay are great ways to eliminate touching key pads or handling cash. Plus, these transactions are usually faster, getting you in and out of the shop quickly!
​7. Purchase gift cards
For those businesses who are unable to remain open, purchase a gift card now to use later. This will help bridge the cash-flow gap for those businesses. Buy future you a date night, shopping spree, or lunch with friends!
8. Write great reviews
The Logan Square Chamber of Commerce has initiated a #WooHooWednesday! Try to write 3 positive reviews of your favorite local businesses each Wednesday. Facebook, Google, and Yelp are all great sources to write reviews.
9. Use social media
Follow, Like, Share, Comment and spread the news of your local businesses to all of your friends and followers! Did you get an incredible lunch delivered right to your door, or fantastic customer service from your local grocer? Give them a shout-out!
​10. Be understanding
We are in unprecedented times and some businesses have either been forced to temporarily close or have made the difficult decision to do so for safety reasons. Be understanding. Know that each business is different and they are doing what’s best for them, and try to support them in any way possible. Reach out to the business owners or employees to ask how they are doing, or to simply let them know you support their decisions. It means a lot!